Insolight launches first agrivoltaic plant in France

Sames/Lausanne, June 2024

The Lausanne-based company Insolight, specializing in agri-photovoltaic solutions, has launched an innovative agri-photovoltaic plant in France. The facility on a farm in Sames combines strawberry production with semi-transparent photovoltaic panels and generates clean energy for about 50 households.

Insolight, a Lausanne-based company specialising in agrivoltaic solutions, has put its first agrivoltaic system into operation in France. According to a press release, the photovoltaic greenhouse for strawberry production is located on the agricultural estate La ferme Etchélécu in Sames in the French department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

The facility with 15,000 strawberry plants covers 3,000 square metres with semi-transparent photovoltaic panels and dynamic shading screens. This regulates the light transmission: if the light is channelled past the solar cells, it benefits the growth of the plants. When the light rays are optically focussed on the solar cells, on the other hand, electricity is generated.

With an installed capacity of 190 kilowatts, around 260 megawatt hours of clean energy can be generated, which is enough to supply around 50 households, according to the press release. “By combining solar technology and agriculture, we enable producers to contribute to the energy transition and sustainable agriculture while meeting their energy needs,” Mathieu Ackermann, Technical Director of Insolight, is quoted as saying.

According to the owners of the farm, Jacques and Nathalie Etchélécu, the Insolight solution makes it possible to have shading screens that allow two additional months per year for strawberry production.

In addition to the construction of renewable energy production facilities and a catalogue of crop protection options, Insolight offers complete solutions, from project development and administrative support to water recovery systems, ad hoc business models and fruit recovery, according to the company press release.

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