Innovative technology for utilising sunlight for high temperatures

Zürich, May 2024

Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a thermal trap that absorbs sunlight and achieves temperatures over one thousand degrees Celsius. This technology could revolutionize the production of cement, metals, and chemicals in energy-intensive industrial processes. The system uses a quartz rod that efficiently converts intense light into heat. The goal is to decarbonize energy-intensive industries.

Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich(ETH) have developed a technology known as a thermal trap that absorbs sunlight and can thus achieve very high temperatures. According to a press release, they have succeeded in reaching temperatures of over a thousand degrees Celsius using this method. These high temperatures are required for the production of cement, metals and various chemicals in energy-intensive industrial processes. The team led by Emiliano Casati, a scientist in the Energy and Process Systems Engineering Group, and Aldo Steinfeld, Professor of Renewable Energy Sources, developed this system, the main component of which is a quartz rod. When this is irradiated with intense light, it is converted into heat with only minimal heat loss. Previous experiments of this kind with thermal traps reached a temperature of 170 degrees Celsius. Solar power plants usually operate at temperatures of up to 600 degrees Celsius.

The researchers’ aim is to one day be able to use the method for the decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries. “To combat climate change, we need to decarbonise energy in general,” Emiliano Casati is quoted as saying in the press release. “People often think of energy only in terms of electricity, but we actually consume around half of our energy in the form of heat.” The current experimental study was published in the specialist journal “Device”. Further analyses, including on the economic viability of this technology, are being planned.

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