Innovation Award 2024 goes to company from Schachen with ultra-high-strength building material

Schachen LU/Luzern, October 2024

Mauderli AG has won this year's Innovation Award from the Central Switzerland Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHZ). The company from Schachen was honoured for its special ultra-high-strength fibre composite building material zeroUltraone.

Mauderli AG has won the IHZ Innovation Award 2024, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Central Switzerland announced in a press release. The prize is awarded annually to recognise the exceptional performance of a company from the cantons of Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden and Nidwalden. Mauderli AG, based in Schachen, is being honoured for its ultra-high-strength fibre composite building material zeroUltraone.

Mauderli developed the ultra-high-strength fibre composite building material (UHFB) in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne(EPFL) and Holcim Schweiz AG. Building elements can be prefabricated with zeroUltraone. Compared to in-situ concrete, the prefabricated components made of zeroUltraone are characterised by thinner wall thicknesses. At the end of its useful life, zeroUltraone can be recycled in the normal concrete cycle.

Mauderli is being honoured for its determination and entrepreneurial foresight, according to the press release. Within just four weeks, the company had set up a new concrete mixing plant and production facility for the UHPFRC components in Schachen and built up a team. “For me, Mauderli AG is a modern Daniel Gyro Gearloose factory,” Hans Wicki, jury president and member of the Council of States for Nidwalden (FDP), is quoted as saying. “Christoph Mauderli led this innovation to success with determination and consistency.”

Bächli AG from Kriens LU was honoured with the recognition prize in this year’s competition. It is being honoured for its highly efficient and low-noise transformers from the Smart-E-Power series. The award ceremony will take place on 27 November.

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