Innovations for the Swiss energy system

Bern, August 2024

The RECIPE consortium has been selected under the SWEET funding program to strengthen the resilience of Swiss energy infrastructure. The project aims to analyze risks from climate change and the energy transition and develop adaptation measures.

The RECIPE consortium has been awarded the contract for the 2023 round of the SWiss Energy Research for the Energy Transition(SWEET) funding program, the Swiss Federal Office of Energy(SFOE) announced in a press release. The call for proposals was entitled Critical Infrastructures, Climate Change and Resilience of the Swiss Energy System and was launched by the SFOE in collaboration with the National Center for Climate Services(NCCS). RECIPE is made up of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technologyin Zurich(ETH) and Lausanne(EPFL), the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland(FHNW) and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciencesand Arts (HSLU) as well as the business partners Swisscom, Infras and Zoï. The ETH is in charge of the project.

As part of SWEET, RECIPE will analyze the dangers that threaten the Swiss energy infrastructure as a result of the restructuring of the energy system and climate change. At the same time, the associated risks for the economy, society, resources and the ecosystem will be examined. Based on this, RECIPE intends to develop measures to increase resilience and draw up specific recommendations for stakeholders.

SWEET was set up to promote innovations that can make a significant contribution to implementing the Energy Strategy 2050 and achieving Switzerland’s climate targets. The program, which runs until 2032, is managed by the SFOE and carries out rolling calls for proposals on key topics of the energy strategy and long-term climate strategy. Only projects from consortia are funded. In the case of RECIPE, the funding program covers CHF 8 million of the total budget of CHF 10.5 million.

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