InCube Challenge comes to the FHNW in Aargau

Windisch AG - Der Campus Brugg-Windisch der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) ist erstmals einer der fünf Standorte der InCube Challenge. Vom 9. bis 13. Oktober wird eine Gruppe Studierender in einem 25 Quadratmeter grossen Glaskubus auf dem Campus essen, schlafen und an einer Problemstellung arbeiten.
The InCube Challenge 2023 is also coming to Aargau: from 9 to 13 October, a 25-square-metre glass box will stand on the Brugg-Windisch campus of the FHNW. Inside, a group of students will eat, sleep and work on an innovative solution to a real challenge posed by ABB, Microsoft and the Canton of Aargau’s location promotion in 100 hours.
According to a statement from the FHNW, the exact problem will be announced to the participants on the first day of the competition. Until then, it will remain secret. The cube can be visited at any time and the students will also be able to exchange ideas with the surrounding area, for example by asking for feedback on their ideas. According to a statement from the Aargau Economic Development Agency, the cube on the FHNW campus will be about developing resource-saving innovations, products and services. The InCube helps to make innovation visible.
InCube is an international innovation competition organised by the ETH Entrepreneur Club. The two-week challenge begins this year on 2 October. During the PrepCube phase, participants meet online for the first time. During OutCube, they come to Switzerland to a retreat to train and connect with the others. During InCube, they live in a glass cube as a team for five days. This year, four will be in Switzerland and one will be in China.