Real estate summit dedicated to digitalisation

Glattbrugg/Dübendorf ZH, June 2024

On June 12, the Economic and Location Promotion Airport Region Zurich hosted its tenth Real Estate Summit in Dübendorf. 650 guests gained insights into current trends, digital technologies, and the future of construction.

The Zurich Airport Region Economic and Location Promotion FRZ hosted its tenth Real Estate Summit in Dübendorf on 12 June. according to a press release, 650 guests from the construction and property industry gained insights into current trends and future industry developments. Under the motto “Human Power: People. Network. Success”, there were presentations on market trends, digital technologies and the future of construction.

André Ingold, Mayor of Dübendorf, addressed the region’s development into a “dynamic economic centre” and highlighted the Innovation Park Zurich. This will create more than ‘000 jobs in the short term, with 12,000 to 15,000 planned in the medium and long term. He went on to talk about the motto: Despite technological advances and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the real estate industry, people remain the focus.

FRZ Managing Director Rahel Kindermann Leuthard emphasised the importance of the FRZ business network as a “driving force for location development” and presented construction projects. Referring to the motto of the summit, she addressed the growing complexity. This has “reached a level where success is only possible together with others”.

Lydia Naef, Chief Real Estate Officer at Flughafen Zürich AG, used examples from Zurich Airport’s real estate management to illustrate how construction projects can be optimised with human performance and digital technology. She paid particular attention to the digital technologies used to manage the entire life cycle of property projects. Building information modelling, the Internet of Things, AI and virtual reality could help to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

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