Holder wants to combat housing shortage
Halter AG is committed to sustainable solutions to the housing shortage. To this end, the Schlierem-based construction and real estate company has drawn up a position paper. Among other things, the paper calls for inner densification with affordable housing.
Halter AG wants to tackle an emerging housing shortage. The Schlier-based construction and real estate company is committed to sustainable and viable solutions, Halter explains in a press release. To this end, the company has prepared a position paper. Halter also presented the solutions proposed in this paper for discussion at the round table with Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin in May.
In the position paper, Halter makes a number of demands. For example, additional use in residential zones and residential use in pure workplace zones should be permitted. Half of the additional living space created here must be realised as living space at cost rent. Halter also wants the potential of the cost rent financing model to be better exploited.
The politicians are called upon to simplify the quality assurance procedure and to limit the digital building permit to use and architecture. Halter expects his own industry to reduce construction costs by increasing productivity.
“The provision of affordable housing represents a similarly significant social challenge as climate-friendly conversion and new construction,” explains Halter CEO Markus Mettler in the statement. He says his company is ready to make innovative contributions to solving both tasks. “This goes hand in hand with the introduction of sustainable framework conditions for the construction and real estate industry that strengthen entrepreneurship and competitiveness in the sector and counteract the trend towards inefficient and costly regulation and nationalisation.”