Helion Energy and Meyer Burger enter into partnership

Thun BE/Cham ZG - Solarspezialist Helion Energy, eine Tochterfirma der AMAG AG, verwendet künftig bevorzugt Solarmodule des Photovoltaik-Herstellers Meyer Burger. Damit wird die Schweizer Solarwirtschaft weniger abhängig von ausländischen Zulieferern.
Photovoltaic manufacturer Meyer Burger has agreed a strategic partnership with Helion Energy, a provider of complete solar energy solutions and AMAG subsidiary. According to a media release, the AMAG Group will give preference to Meyer Burger solar modules for all its own photovoltaic plants yet to be built. As part of its climate strategy, the AMAG Group will build around 75,000 square metres of solar plants at its own locations by 2025.
Helion Energy and Meyer Burger Technology are committed to rebuilding the photovoltaic value chain in Switzerland as part of the strategic partnership, the statement added. Currently, Switzerland imports more than 90 percent of its solar modules from Asian countries.
“Meyer Burger high-performance modules offer a number of advantages for customers: they are developed in Switzerland and sustainably produced in Germany,” Helion CEO Noah Heynen is quoted as saying. The modules show lower performance losses over the years and higher yields in all seasons due to better temperature coefficients and low-light behaviour. They are designed to last more than 30 years and come with an industry-leading warranty of at least 25 years, he said.
According to CEO Gunter Erfurt, Meyer Burger is in the process of “massively expanding” its production for solar cells and modules. The Swiss solar modules have a technological advantage over the Asian competition and generate significantly higher yields over the entire lifetime.