Glarner Kantonalbank seeks projects for sustainability award

For the third time, the Glarner Kantonalbank is awarding a sustainability prize to promote forward-looking projects in the canton. Ideas in the fields of environment, society, and economy can now be submitted. The prize money is 10,000 francs.
The Glarner Kantonalbank(GLKB) awards the Glarus Sustainability Prize once a year. With this award, GLKB aims to promote projects and initiatives by Glarus residents that contribute to sustainable development in the canton. The prize is endowed with CHF 10,000. According to GLKB, applications for the third edition of the prize can be submitted from now until 30 June.
Projects that deal with at least one of the three pillars of environment, society and economy can be submitted. The environment includes the reduction of greenhouse gases and renewable energies, energy efficiency, conservation of resources, reduction of harmful substances or biodiversity. In the area of society, the projects should deal with fairness and justice, social commitment or the promotion of Glarus culture. For economic development, ideas are sought that contribute to the creation of local jobs or include sustainable business models with development potential and innovative technologies.
Private individuals and legal entities such as associations can take part. Research projects and applications for scientific work are also eligible, provided they “have a clear sustainability impact on the canton of Glarus” or, in the case of supra-regional impact, the designated prize winners have a direct connection to the canton of Glarus, according to the press release.
Last year, the Obstalden heating network won the prize. The heating network is fuelled solely by local and renewable energies and secures jobs. The project was selected from a total of 21 entries.