Overall transport concept for the Zurzibiet region adopted

July 2024

The steering committee of the overall transport concept for the Zurzi area has defined the overarching objectives and strategic directions. The focus is on ensuring a reliable overall transport system and improving the quality of life in the Zurzi area.

The concept aims to ensure a reliable overall transport system and guarantee the accessibility of settlements and businesses. In addition, transport links to neighbouring areas such as Baden and the surrounding area, Brugg-Windisch and the Hochrhein region in southern Germany are to be ensured. Furthermore, traffic routing to main axes and areas outside the settlement area is planned in order to reduce emissions such as noise and air pollutants and to minimise the separating effect of transport infrastructure.

Strategic thrusts and approaches to measures
Strategic thrusts and approaches to measures were discussed in three fields of action.

In the area of mobility management, settlement development should be concentrated in central locations that are well served by public transport. The promotion of combined mobility is a further objective, as is the upgrading of street spaces in urban centres to increase the quality of life as well as pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Car park management also plays an important role in this field of action.

Comprehensive traffic management is aimed at ensuring reliable journey times and accessibility. This includes stabilising the public transport timetable as well as measures to calm traffic and increase road safety. The organisation of freight transport and logistics is also a central element of traffic management.

Transport services are to be significantly improved by expanding public transport services, including cross-border bus connections. There are also plans to expand the cycling infrastructure, both within towns and between municipalities and across borders on corridors with great potential. The optimisation of road infrastructure and the design of railway stations as transport hubs are further important measures, as is the replacement of the Rhine crossing.

Next steps and expected results
In the first phase of the GVK Zurzigebiet area, comprehensive transport planning will be carried out, taking into account all modes of transport and the predicted settlement development. The results of this phase are expected by the end of 2024. Specific measures for all modes of transport will then be further developed in the second phase.

The steering committee of the GVK Zurzibiet region comprises representatives of the Canton of Aargau, the Regional Council of Freiburg, German Customs, the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security, the Zurzibiet Regio regional planning association, the Hochrhein-Bodensee regional association, the district of Waldshut, the town of Waldshut-Tiengen and the municipalities of Koblenz, Full-Reuenthal and Leuggern. The GVK support group consists of representatives from numerous municipalities on both sides of the border, including Böttstein, Döttingen, Ehrendingen, Waldshut-Tiengen and Dogern.

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