Geneva sets new standards in energy-efficient building renovation

July 2024

Geneva has taken an important step towards advancing energy-efficient building renovation. From 1 June 2024, new subsidies will be available to property owners to encourage them to make their buildings more energy-efficient and convert them to renewable energy. Increased subsidies and tailored approaches for different types of property will encourage energy efficiency measures in Geneva.

In March 2024, Geneva’s Grand Council approved investment credits of CHF 500 million, financed jointly by the canton and the federal building programme. This historic agreement confirms Geneva’s commitment to renovating its built heritage in order to accelerate the energy transition. It includes measures such as maintaining the thermal cost index and specific rates for owners of single-family homes.

Higher grants for energy renovations
Property owners can now benefit from additional financial support for the renovation of their buildings. Subsidies totalling CHF 500 million will be awarded mainly to private property owners, while 30% will go to local authorities and autonomous public bodies. The new grants, applicable from 1 June 2024, cover measures such as thermal insulation, improving the energy efficiency class and installing solar panels.

New offers for energy optimisation and work planning
Property owners now have the opportunity to obtain the same subsidies as for recognised energy standards by combining individual measures. In collaboration with the cantonal energy office, time-phased plans are drawn up for energy optimisation projects. Individual homeowners enjoy the benefits, including a bonus for the energy standard achieved and additional tax exemptions.

A tailor-made approach for single-family home owners
Single-family home owners have an extra three years to meet the renovation requirements, taking into account their individual circumstances. Factors such as the owner’s age and financial situation, the neighbourhood’s development potential and the building’s status as a cultural asset are all taken into account. In addition, CHF 50 million in bridging loans have been made available to facilitate access to finance for energy renovation projects.

Grant application procedure
Interested property owners can submit their applications online and, depending on the type and objectives of the project, corresponding grants may be awarded. It is important to submit applications before the work begins and to provide a complete dossier in accordance with the requirements of the cantonal energy department. This breakthrough in energy-efficient building renovation demonstrates Geneva’s commitment to promoting energy-efficient construction and moving the city forward on the road to sustainability and energy transition.

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