Geneva on the road to Smart City 3.0

July 2024

The canton of Geneva is launching the "Smart Geneva" initiative to drive the transition to a Smart City 3.0, based on the Scandinavian model, by networking and promoting projects. The approach aims to put technology to good use in urban development and the fight against climate change, and to create a vibrant, collaborative community.

With the “Smart Geneva” initiative, the canton of Geneva aims to become a Smart City 3.0, following the example of Scandinavian countries. Unlike top-down approaches, the aim here is to achieve sustainable, intelligent change through networking and the promotion of concrete projects. Patrick Montier, Smart City Manager for the canton of Geneva, stresses the importance of a participatory approach: “It’s about creating an ecosystem that stimulates innovation by encouraging innovative projects and facilitating access to resources and funding”.

Coordination and networking of projects
Until now, smart city projects in Geneva have been promising, but scattered and uncoordinated. This must now change. Private, state and scientific players will be networked via an online platform and various events to form a living community. A central database will collect and make accessible information on Smart City experiences and experiments.

Promotion by the canton and integration of the community
For the launch of the initiative, the canton of Geneva has selected nine projects that will receive particular support in terms of communication. These include an urban agriculture project, a crowdfunding platform and a route planner for cycling commuters. A telemedicine platform at HUG University Hospital and pilot projects with networked bus stops are also included.

Using technology to protect the climate
The Smart City 3.0 vision puts technology at the service of the region to meet the challenges of urbanisation and global warming. “Our vision uses digital technologies wisely, taking care to use sensors sparingly, for example, as they can be very energy-hungry,” explains Montier. It aims to maximise the benefits for the environment, mobility, health, the circular economy and the well-being of residents.

Future prospects and regional integration
One of the long-term objectives of the initiative is to integrate the French border area into the Smart City strategy. Those responsible promise that Geneva will be a fully-fledged Smart City by 2030. The implementation of the “Smart Geneva” initiative represents an important step towards sustainable and innovative urban development that meets the needs of residents while addressing the challenges of climate change.

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