Annual General Meeting of Zug Estates Holding AG

Zug, April 2023

The 11th Annual General Meeting of Zug Estates Holding AG was held today at the Theater Casino Zug, attended by 209 shareholders. A total of 76.4% of the voting share capital was represented. The shareholders approved all the proposals of the Board of Directors.

The Annual General Meeting decided to distribute a total of CHF 20.9 million to the shareholders for the financial year 2022. The ordinary gross dividend subject to withholding tax per class A registered share amounts to CHF 4.10 and CHF 41.00 per class B registered share. After payment of the Swiss withholding tax of 35%, a net dividend of CHF 2.67 per class A registered share and CHF 26.65 per class B registered share remains.

All members of the Board of Directors proposed for re-election were confirmed for another year of office. Armin Meier did not stand for re-election. Joëlle Zimmerli, owner and managing director of Zimraum GmbH, a social science planning office, was elected as a new member of the Board of Directors.

Joëlle Zimmerli

Dr Beat Schwab was also confirmed as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Johannes Stöckli (previously) and Annelies Häcki Buhofer (newly) were elected to the Personnel and Compensation Committee. In a consultative vote, the General Assembly declared itself in agreement with the Compensation Report and approved the compensation paid to the members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board.

The General Meeting also approved all amendments to the Articles of Association, i.e. the anchoring of sustainability in the Articles of Association, the use of electronic tools for communication with shareholders, the possibility of holding General Meetings virtually, the additional amounts for new Executive Board members, the reduction of the maximum permissible additional mandates of members of the Board of Directors as well as various formal adjustments to the new law.

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