Five cantons take up the cudgels for wind energy

Winterthur, September 2024

Representatives from the cantons of Appenzell, St. Gallen, Thurgau, and Zurich advocated for wind energy as part of the future energy supply during a press conference. The cantons aim to jointly promote the expansion of wind power.

Government representatives from the cantons of Appenzell Ausserrhoden and Innerrhoden, St.Gallen, Thurgau and Zurich have taken up the cudgels for wind energy at a joint media conference in Winterthur. It should “become a mainstay of our future supply of domestic energy – especially to cover the winter electricity gap”, according to a corresponding press release from the canton of Zurich on the conference. To this end, the five neighboring cantons want to create a “new pioneering spirit”.

At the media conference, the responsible members of the government presented the respective approaches of their cantons. Dölf Biasotto from the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden spoke about the impact of wind turbines on the landscape. In the canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden, the construction of wind turbines is to be accompanied by further development of the landscape. In the canton of Zurich, the planning requirements for the use of wind energy are currently being created.

In their contributions, the representatives of the cantons of St.Gallen and Thurgau emphasized the importance of cooperation with the affected population. In the canton of St.Gallen, the special utilization plan stipulates that all affected municipalities and their inhabitants can have a say in the approval process. In the canton of Thurgau, a legal basis for local participation has been prepared. In an ongoing project in Thundorf TG, the electorate will decide on the construction of a wind farm on November 24.

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