Change of management at SVIT Switzerland decided

June 2024

At their meeting in Lucerne, the delegates of the SVIT member organisations decided on extensive changes to the presidency. Michel Molinari will take over as President in 2025. Other key positions on the Executive Committee will be filled and an important motion on sponsorship agreements was adopted.

The Assembly of Delegates of the SVIT member organisations took place in Lucerne on 20 June 2024. It was decided that Michel Molinari, currently Vice-President of SVIT Switzerland, will take over the office of President from Andreas Ingold in 2025. Jean-Jacques Morard, also Vice-President, will be replaced by Cécile Berger-Meyer. David Zumsteg will succeed Michel Molinari as Vice President. Andreas Dürr will also hand over his seat to Boris Grell in 2026. Last year, Gabriel Schmid was appointed to the Executive Committee as Chief Financial Officer. These new appointments mark the start of a comprehensive change of leadership in the umbrella organisation.

Decision on sponsorship agreements
In addition to the elections to the Executive Committee, the delegates voted on motions put forward by SVIT Eastern Switzerland and SVIT Central Switzerland. The motions called for SVIT Switzerland not to conclude any further advertising, sponsorship or other service agreements with Swiss Marketplace Group AG and its organisations. Existing agreements should be cancelled at the end of their contractual terms. The delegates approved these motions, thereby sending a clear signal in favour of a new direction for the association.

Swiss Real Estate Forum as a supporting event
The 2024 Delegates’ Meeting was embedded in the Swiss Real Estate Forum (SREF), which took place on the same day. This forum provided a platform for personalities from politics, business and sport, including former Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer and former world goalkeeper Oliver Kahn, to discuss current issues in the property sector.

With the decisions taken and the change in leadership that has been initiated, SVIT Switzerland is positioning itself for the future and providing important impetus for the further development of the association and the industry as a whole.

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