Symposium examines vegetation systems for heat mitigation

The Zurich University of Applied Sciences invites you to the next Plant Systems Symposium on 7 September. Here, vegetation systems in the sponge city will be examined. The focus will be on plant selection.
On 7 September, the Plant Use Research Group of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences(ZHAW) invites you to the next Plant Systems Symposium at the Grüental Campus in Wädenswil. Here the focus will be on sponge city measures to reduce heat, the ZHAW informs in the event announcement. Examples of such measures include root extensions under roads, planting rainwater storage tanks or plant beds as seepage basins.
At the symposium, the focus will be on selecting the right plants. Here, many requirements are usually met with little choice, writes the ZHAW. Its experts want to give practical examples of “how vegetation systems can be used to meet the challenges of climate change”.
In addition, they will address questions such as whether and how appropriate systems can be implemented in practice or whether nature-based solutions are superior to technical measures. Furthermore, it will be investigated whether, in addition to vegetation systems for alternating humid sites, dry sites will also have to be considered in the future.
“The conference series is aimed at landscape architects, urban, open space, traffic and infrastructure planners, environmental engineers, tree and nature conservation officers in cities, municipalities and associations, arborists, as well as research and teaching institutions,” explains the university. Due to the limited number of places at the conference, registration is requested by 27 August at the latest.