Council of Europe and Switzerland set standards for AI

May 2024

On 17 May 2024, the groundbreaking Convention on Artificial Intelligence (AI) was adopted by the Council of Europe with the participation of Switzerland. This event marks a decisive step towards ensuring that AI technologies are developed and used in accordance with the principles of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

The new Convention on Artificial Intelligence was officially adopted at the 133rd session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, which took place in Biel/Bienne. Swiss Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis, Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, was present at this historic moment. Switzerland, known for its precise and prudent approach in international negotiations, played a decisive role in the one and a half years of intensive discussions and development work.

The agreement not only emphasises the importance of AI in our future society, but also establishes a solid, legally binding framework to ensure that AI systems are developed according to the highest ethical standards. The core principles include transparency, robustness, non-discrimination and the protection of privacy. These measures are crucial to strengthening public trust in the new technology while safeguarding the rights of every individual.

Promoting international cooperation
The timing of the adoption coincides with the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe, which further emphasises the importance of this convention. From September 2024, the document will be submitted to all member states for signature. Once ratified by Switzerland, which requires its transposition into national law, it will serve as a key component of international AI governance.

In practice, the Convention will serve as a guide that promotes a harmonised approach to the responsible development and use of AI systems not only in Europe, but also worldwide. By creating this framework, the Council of Europe is making a significant contribution to ensuring that AI is used as a force for good, strengthening and advancing the foundations of our democratic societies.

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