Energy Savers promote energy efficiency

Bern , July 2022

Swisspower, SIG and the Federal Office of Energy want to promote energy efficiency by networking stakeholders and supporting specific projects. You have launched the Energy Savers platform for this purpose. The first target group are energy suppliers and authorities.

The alliance of municipal utilities, Swisspower , Services industriels de Genève ( SIG ) and the Swiss Energy program of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy have launched a new platform. Energy Savers aims to increase energy efficiency “by bringing together players from the energy sector, business and associations and supporting specific projects,” explains Swisspower in a corresponding statement . Energy suppliers and local and regional authorities are named there as the primary target group.

“Only by reducing our consumption can we ensure a secure supply and achieve our climate goals,” Benoît Revaz is quoted as saying in the statement. According to the director of the Federal Office of Energy, there is still a lot of room for improvement here in Switzerland: “In housing, in mobility, but also in companies, this potential is at least 30 percent.”

The platform, which was only recently activated, is already showing a strong increase in members, is explained further in the communication. Other interested parties are invited to register directly on the platform or to arrange a meeting with the operators.

The Energy Savers work towards reducing dependence on non-renewable energy and avoiding greenhouse gas emissions. To this end, three strategic goals are defined in the communication. On the one hand, energy saving should be given a higher priority. On the other hand, the Energy Savers campaign for more investments in energy efficiency and better exploitation of energy efficiency potential. The third objective mentioned in the communication is the dissemination of success stories.

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