Energiedienst Group grows profitably

Laufenburg AG, August 2023

Energiedienst Holding AG increased its operating income to 973 million euros in the first half of 2023. The adjusted operating result increased disproportionately to 77 million euros. The target for the year as a whole is 100 million euros.

Energiedienst Holding AG generated operating income of CHF 973 million in the first half of 2023. In a year-on-year comparison, this corresponds to growth of around 30 per cent, the Swiss-German public limited company informs in a statement. Positive sales development and increased electricity prices are cited there as the background for the positive development.

At 81.6 million euros, the operating result at EBIT level was close to the previous year’s figure. In the first half of 2022, the company had recorded a positive valuation effect from the personnel provision in the amount of 48 million euros here. Adjusted for this effect, an increase of 34.3 million euros to 77.3 million euros was realised, writes the Energiedienst Group. The net profit of 68.7 million euros was 16.8 million euros lower than in the previous year. For the year as a whole, the company expects an adjusted EBIT of around 100 million euros.

All of the Group’s business areas contributed to the increase in turnover and adjusted operating profit. In the Customer-Oriented Energy Solutions segment, the contribution to EBIT was 1.4 million euros higher than in the previous year at 3.4 million. The end customer business of photovoltaics in Switzerland proved to be the main growth driver here.

In the largest business division, Renewable Generation Infrastructure, the contribution to EBIT increased from CHF 21.4 million to CHF 65.4 million. Here, the Group attributes the good development to an overall improvement in electricity production from hydropower and the increased marketing level of generation.

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