Empa tests hydrogen use for peak loads

Dübendorf ZH, May 2024

Empa is investigating the use of hydrogen and fuel cells to relieve the power grid on cold days on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (BFE). The joint project H2 districts is being implemented on the Empa campus in Dübendorf and involves partners such as the Hälg Group, the Osterwalder Group, and H2 Energy AG. The project runs until September 2025.

On behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy(SFOE), the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology(Empa) are investigating the use of hydrogen and fuel cells to reduce the load on the electricity grid on the coldest days. According to a press release, the joint project H2 districts was initiated for this purpose, in which the Hälg Group, the Osterwalder Group and H2 Energy AG are involved in addition to Empa. For the pilot project, a simulation model for operation under peak loads is being set up on the Empa site in Dübendorf.

The Osterwalder Group is contributing its expertise and supplying renewable hydrogen. H2 Energy AG is contributing its many years of experience in the field of fuel cells. The Hälg Group is responsible for building technology.

“We will set up a real system on the Empa campus in Dübendorf as part of the two research platforms ‘NEST’ and ‘move’ and validate the parameters for grid-friendly operation and the potential CO2 savings,” Philipp Heer, Head of the Energy Hub and Deputy Head of Empa’s Urban Energy Systems research department, is quoted as saying in the press release. The project is funded by the SFOE and is expected to run until September 2025.

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