A new vision for the Zurich metropolitan area

May 2024

In November 2023, the cantonal planners from Aargau, Lucerne, Schaffhausen, Schwyz, St. Gallen, Thurgau, Zug and Zurich presented the innovative Metro-ROK 2050 spatial planning concept, which sets the course for the sustainable development of the Zurich metropolitan area in order to effectively address the challenges of urbanisation and environmental protection.

The Metro-ROK 2050 initiative emphasises the need to use settlement areas sensibly and sustainably in order to improve the quality of life and maintain the ecological balance. By focussing on four central areas of action – urban landscape, transitional landscape, cultural landscape and natural landscape – the concept aims to promote balanced development. The protection of green spaces and high-quality internal development play a particularly important role. Environmentally friendly urban planning is to be realised by strictly limiting the expansion of settlements until 2040 and promoting transformation projects in existing buildings that take the circular economy principle into account.

Innovative technologies and energy efficiency
Another important aspect of the Metro-ROK 2050 is the integration of advanced technologies and ecological construction methods in order to improve the carbon footprint of the metropolitan area. The concept emphasises the importance of renewable energies and increasing energy efficiency in buildings in order to counteract the challenges of climate change. The avoidance of further soil sealing and the use of green spaces to combat heat in urban centres are also priority measures.

Sustainable mobility as a key component
The spatial planning concept also places a strong focus on promoting public transport and sustainable mobility solutions. The goal of increasing the share of public transport by 2050 and promoting environmentally friendly means of transport is crucial for reducing environmental pollution and increasing the quality of life in the region. Short journeys and low-emission means of transport should help to minimise the ecological footprint.

Cooperation and future-oriented planning
The Metro-ROK 2050 initiative reflects the commitment of the participating cantons and sets new standards in regional spatial planning. The updated concept, which was unanimously adopted by the Metropolitan Council on 3 November, serves as a trend-setting framework for the sustainable and future-proof development of the entire Zurich metropolitan area. By taking an integrated view of ecological, economic and social factors, the concept endeavours to shape the metropolitan area as a liveable and sustainable place.

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