Discussion on guarantee of continued existence in aviation law
The aviationsuisse association welcomes the inclusion of the guaranteed flight times in the Federal Council's draft of the revised Aviation Act. The association, which represents the interests of users in the industry, emphasises its importance for the location. It is in favour of alternative fuels to achieve the climate targets.
The Federal Council’s proposals for amendments to the Aviation Act are currently undergoing consultation until the end of November. They also provide for a guarantee for flight times. Up to now, the national airports of Zurich and Geneva have only been protected as existing facilities. In our view, the guarantee of continued existence “is a step in the right direction”, said Regine Sauter, Zurich FDP National Councillor and President of aviationsuisse, at an event organised by her association in Bern on 6 November.
Regine Sauter sees the industry under pressure. In both Zurich and Geneva, there are calls for flight times to be restricted. This makes it all the more important to show politicians how important the connection is for the location.
According to Martin Eichler, the importance of the industry goes far beyond its direct economic performance. “Aviation is a driver of prosperity,” said the partner of the consulting firm Infras in his presentation. Among other things, he discussed the share of air freight in exports and tourism. Gerry Zurmühle, President of IG Air Cargo Switzerland, referred to the balancing role of air freight in the event of bottlenecks in other parts of the supply chain. Jean-Marc Probst, President of the French-speaking Swiss interest group Aeria , pointed out that Geneva is the second largest airport for private aviation in Europe.
Martin Eichler also referred to the external costs of aviation. In Regine Sauter’s view, blending quotas for alternative fuels are the best way to achieve climate targets. “Swiss companies are very active in this area.”
The association elected two new members to the Board: Raphaël Tschanz, Director of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce, representing the Swiss Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and Michael Hug from the Basel Chamber of Commerce. Aviatonsuisse represents the interests of users in the aviation industry.