Digital next gen and AI usher in a new era

June 2024

The construction and property industry is facing profound changes. Gianluca Genova, Board Member of BdCH / bSCH and Managing Director of MetaXD AG, talks about the founding of the "Digital Next Gen" Expert Group and the goals of this initiative.

Like many other sectors, the construction and property industry is facing major challenges. Digitalisation is progressing inexorably, revolutionary technologies are emerging and sustainability requirements are constantly increasing. There is also a shortage of specialists with digital skills. “Our response to these challenges is the establishment of the ‘Digital Next Gen’ Expert Group,” says Genova. “Our aim is to bring together digital talent from across the industry and work together on innovative solutions for a sustainable and digitalised future.”

Genova brings extensive expertise from his professional career and his studies. A trip to China was particularly formative, where he gained valuable insights into digital transformation. The Digital Next Gen initiative offers him a platform to use his skills and drive forward the digital transformation in the construction and property industry.

Objectives of the “Digital Next Gen” Expert Group
Establishing a centre of excellence for digital technologies and trends to effectively tackle the digital challenges facing the construction industry.

Identify and promote innovative digital solutions and business models in Switzerland

Creating bridges between research, business and practice in order to put innovative ideas and technologies into practice more quickly.

“We aim to play a leading role in shaping the digital transformation in the construction industry,” emphasises Genova.

Opportunities and challenges of the digital evolution
Digitalisation offers significant opportunities for the construction industry, such as efficiency gains, cost reductions, more environmentally friendly construction practices and the development of new business models. However, there are also challenges such as high investment costs, data protection issues and a shortage of skilled labour. “We must tackle these challenges with determination in order to fully exploit the opportunities of digitalisation,” says Genova. “The future belongs to the brave and the pioneers, and we are ready to take on this role.”

Upcoming digital technologies and trends
The construction industry is at the beginning of a new era, characterised by groundbreaking digital technologies. Artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT) as well as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are some of the key technologies that will revolutionise the industry. “We are ready to pave the way for this digital revolution and face the challenges that lie ahead,” explains Genova.

Talent sought for the Expert Group
The Expert Group is looking for talented individuals with extensive expertise in digital technologies such as AI, IoT, blockchain, AR/VR and 3D printing. In addition to technological skills, an innovative spirit, experience in the construction industry, the ability to work in a team and an understanding of sustainable construction practices are important. “We are counting on a new generation of talent who are ready to take the lead in this technological revolution,” concludes Genova.

Digitalisation is not only a challenge, but also an opportunity to fundamentally transform the construction and real estate industry. The “Digital Next Gen” Expert Group is ready to actively shape this transformation and create a sustainable, digitalised future.

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