The path to sustainable metropolises

May 2024

The Urban Land Institute (ULI) and BNP Paribas Real Estate Investment Management (REIM) have presented a groundbreaking discussion paper that sheds light on how cities can strengthen their resilience through innovative approaches to urban planning. "Urban Transformation versus Urban Resilience" defines ten pathways to resilient cities and presents global best practice examples.

The discussion paper by ULI and BNP Paribas REIM presents outstanding international examples of urban transformations that have been implemented in metropolises such as Hamburg, Paris, Copenhagen and Bogotá. These cities have developed innovative concepts for transport networks, sustainable urban development and city networks to make their urban spaces more sustainable. The paper emphasises how these approaches contribute to greater urban resilience by integrating environmental, social and economic aspects.

Strategies to promote urban resilience
The ten paths to a resilient city described in the discussion paper offer concrete recommendations for action for public and private stakeholders. These range from the formulation of adaptation strategies and building awareness of crises to the integration of urban risk management into urban planning. Particular importance is attached to the creation of sufficient housing and social infrastructure in order to provide inclusive and sustainable social services that enable the broad participation of urban society.

The role of the public and private sector
The discussion paper emphasises that the transformation to resilient cities is a joint task that is not the sole responsibility of the public sector. Isabella Chacón Troidl and Honoré Achille Simo explain that property investors also play a decisive role in the development of resilient urban spaces. They help to integrate social, ecological and economic aspects into urban development and thus promote a comprehensive renewal of the housing sector.

Conclusion and outlook
The discussion paper “Urban transformation versus urban resilience” serves as a catalyst for a new era of urban planning. It calls on decision-makers and stakeholders to take innovative and sustainable measures that not only strengthen the resilience of cities, but also improve their quality of life. Sabine Georgi emphasises that the future development of urban spaces is a social issue that requires active and joint action in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

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