City Council approves CHF 300 million for CoolCity
In future, Zurich's lake water will heat and cool the city centre. To this end, ewz is realising the CoolCity energy network - one of the largest lake water networks in Switzerland. Operated with 100 per cent renewable energy, it is an important milestone for the city of Zurich on the way to the
Overall transport concept for the Zurzibiet region adopted
The steering committee of the overall transport concept for the Zurzi area has defined the overarching objectives and strategic directions. The focus is on ensuring a reliable overall transport system and improving the quality of life in the Zurzi
CKW activates minimum remuneration for solar power
CKW will apply the minimum remuneration for solar power decided by the federal government for the beginning of 2025 from the second quarter of 2024. This is intended to protect operators of small solar plants from very low market prices, particularly in
Cement recycling – a cost-effective and efficient way
The recycling of cement paste offers a low-cost and effective method of reducing emissions in cement production, as a new study by Imperial College London shows. With a reduction of up to 15% in emissions, this technology opens up promising prospects for the construction
Emissions from heating oil and gas are falling
CO2 emissions from fuels, i.e. primarily from heating oil and gas, fell by 8.8 per cent in Switzerland in 2023 compared to the previous year. In contrast, emissions from petrol and diesel remained at the previous year's level. This is according to the latest CO2
Canton of Zurich proposes areas for the utilisation of wind power
The Zurich cantonal government considers 20 areas in the canton to be very suitable for large wind turbines and 15 others to be highly suitable. It has submitted the corresponding entries in the structure plan for consultation. It proposes voluntary payments by future operators to the local
Solid-state batteries made of rock
In autumn 2026, the sustainable Greencity district in Zurich South will be completed with the development on construction site B6. This innovative project, developed by Losinger Marazzi AG, comprises 179 age-appropriate flats and represents a significant step forward in urban housing
New home for senior citizens Greencity 2026
In autumn 2026, the sustainable Greencity district in Zurich South will be completed with the development on construction site B6. This innovative project, developed by Losinger Marazzi AG, comprises 179 age-appropriate flats and represents a significant step forward in urban housing
Commercial use and solar energy: development of the Papieri site is progressing
The site owner HIAG is upgrading a further 6000 square metres of the Papieri site for temporary commercial use by the end of the year. Padelta AG will be operating padel courts in a paper machine hall from 2025. A Jump Factory site is also planned. Librec will prepare the recycling of car batteries
Winner of the architectural competition for the Confignon school
The "Cé Qu'É Lainô" project has been chosen as the winner of the architectural competition for the construction of the new secondary school in Confignon. The jury highlighted the remarkable balance and flexibility of the project, which is both architecturally convincing and meets the various
Transformative materials in the construction industry
Faced with rising CO2 emissions in the building sector, the Swiss Climate Foundation and its partners are focusing on innovative solutions to reduce emissions. From self-cleaning metamaterials to cement-free concrete, the foundation supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the
Geneva on the road to Smart City 3.0
The canton of Geneva is launching the "Smart Geneva" initiative to drive the transition to a Smart City 3.0, based on the Scandinavian model, by networking and promoting projects. The approach aims to put technology to good use in urban development and the fight against climate change, and to
Future Perfect launches project for circular construction
The Future Perfect association, together with various professional associations and an educational publisher, is launching a project to integrate circular building into vocational training. The goal is to teach skills for the reuse and recycling of building
Intergenerational living as a challenge and an opportunity
Angesichts des demografischen Wandels und der alternden Bevölkerung steht die Gesellschaft vor der Herausforderung, geeignete Wohnformen zu finden. Eine vom Bundesamt für Wohnungswesen unterstützte Studie zeigt, dass gemeinschaftliche Wohnformen wie das Generationenwohnen vielversprechende
How a Switzerland of 10 million can succeed
Am 28. Juni 2024 versammelten sich über 700 Fachleute der Schweizer Baubranche zum «Tag der Bauwirtschaft» in Zürich-Oerlikon. Gian-Luca Lardi, Präsident des Schweizerischen Baumeisterverbands, skizzierte die Herausforderungen einer 10-Millionen-Schweiz und präsentierte Lösungsansätze zur
Meier Tobler Group AG sells Lüftungshygiene AG to Hälg Group
Die Meier Tobler Group AG gibt bekannt, dass sie die Meier Tobler Lüftungshygiene AG an die Hälg Group verkauft hat. Mit dieser Transaktion fokussiert sich Meier Tobler stärker auf ihre Kernbereiche Handel, Wärmeerzeugung, Klimasysteme und Service. Die Hälg Group wiederum nutzt diese