Increased efficiency in property management
The SVIT Zurich real estate association is committed to more precise management and evaluation of property management tasks aimed at promoting community. In collaboration with the Age Foundation, the association has launched a project to support the realisation of residential concepts that
New forms of housing at the centre of a recent study
An innovative study, sponsored by renowned institutions, explores the dynamics of residential concepts that promote social interaction. Dr Joëlle Zimmerli from Zimraum and Stratcraft sheds light on different approaches that promote both random and neighbourly and communal interactions in housing
Arbon as a pioneer in location promotion
At the first network event of the "Initiative Zukunft Arbon", leading minds gathered at the innovation centre of Insel auf Rädern GmbH to discuss the progress and prospects of regional location promotion. More than 60 players from various sectors exchanged views on sustainable solutions for the
Pistor’s growth requires larger buildings
Gastro-Grosshändler und -Dienstleister Pistor hat als Auftakt für zahlreiche neue Gebäude am Hauptsitz in Rothenburg für 34 Millionen Franken ein neues Nachschublager errichtet und eröffnet. Noch in diesem Jahr erfolgt der Spatenstich für ein neues Verteilzentrum in Sennwald
Green Building nimmt die graue Energie ins Visier: Eine branchenweite Analyse
In view of the increasing environmental impact of construction activities, the issue of grey energy - the energy that is hidden in the production and disposal of building materials - is increasingly becoming the focus of the construction and real estate industry. The industry faces the challenge of
Guests from overseas drive hotel industry to new record
The Swiss hotel industry posted a record 41.8 million overnight stays in 2023. Demand was driven in particular by guests from Asia and America. Zurich, Bern and Geneva recorded the largest increases. Switzerland Tourism wants to steer demand more
HSLU launches Master in Collaborative Spatial Development
The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) is introducing a new Master's degree course in Collaborative Spatial Development in the autumn semester of 2024. It aims to give students an understanding of the complex spatial development of the future. Tabea Michaelis and Amelie-Theres
CANCOM Switzerland equips Grand Resort Bad Ragaz with new IT system
CANCOM Switzerland hat die über 400'000 Quadratmeter des Grand Resort Bad Ragaz im laufenden Betrieb mit einem WiFi6-Netzwerk ausgestattet. Anders als beim bisherigen WLAN-Netzwerk kann es das hauseigene IT-Team nun auch selbstständig an individuelle Bedürfnisse
Canton of Lucerne wants to accelerate the expansion of renewables
Der Kanton Luzern will mit der Änderung des Kantonalen Energiegesetzes das Potenzial von Solaranlagen auf Gebäuden besser ausschöpfen. Der Gesetzentwurf sieht bei Neubauten eine angemessene Ausnutzung der Dachfläche vor. Dasselbe gilt bei Dachsanierungen von bestehenden
Successful spatial development in the canton of Neuchâtel
The four-year report 2023 on spatial planning in Neuchâtel shows significant developments in the canton's spatial development from 2019 to 2022. Characterised by moderate population growth and an increase in employment, the report documents important steps towards more sustainable mobility, more
Introduction of the Swiss circularity indicator for sustainable construction projects
In a significant step towards promoting the circular economy in the Swiss construction and property industry, leading players have presented the guide "Making circularity measurable: a Swiss circularity indicator". This innovative tool enables the evaluation and comparability of circularity aspects
Meyer Burger Technology Ltd plans capital increase to support US expansion
Meyer Burger Technology Ltd, a leading player in the photovoltaic industry, has announced the convening of an Extraordinary General Meeting to authorise a capital increase through a rights issue of CHF 200 to 250 million. The purpose of this measure is to finance the completion of the production
Increasing efficiency in property management through digital transformation
Digital transformation offers the real estate industry untapped potential to optimise processes, increase efficiency and improve customer loyalty. This technical report looks at how digital technologies can revolutionise property management by simplifying and automating traditional processes.
Ina Invest Holding AG and Ina Invest AG merge into one company
The listed property company Ina Invest Holding Ltd. will merge with its subsidiary Ina Invest Ltd. The Annual General Meeting will vote on the Board of Directors' proposal on 3 April 2024. The merger is intended to simplify the corporate structure, increase efficiency and reduce costs. Ina Invest's
Residents of Eastern Switzerland would reduce living space
Nikola Vukovic and Raphael Dietrich analysed the housing market in Eastern Switzerland in their Master's thesis. According to the researchers at the OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, many residents of Eastern Switzerland are willing to downsize their living space. However,
Piston machine to generate more electricity from waste heat
Die etavalve GmbH will die Produktion von Strom aus Abwärme durch eigens dafür entwickelte Kolbenmaschinen steigern. Die Empa unterstützt das Vorhaben mit einem Entrepreneur Fellowship für ihren ehemaligen Doktoranden und etavalve-Mitgründer Andyn
Neustark supplies CO2 removal solution to Microsoft
Neustark hat eine sechsjährige Liefervereinbarung mit Microsoft besiegelt. Diese umfasst 27’600 Tonnen an Gutschriften für die CO2-Entfernung (Carbon Removal Credits). Das amerikanische Unternehmen will so sein Engagement bei der dauerhaften CO2-Entfernung beschleunigen und seine Klimaziele