District heating project in Bern utilises the River Aare as an energy source
Energie Wasser Bern (ewb) is examining the establishment of a heating network in the north-east of Bern. Ewb also wants to utilise the heat from the River Aare as an energy source. Water is to be drawn from the river at Engehalde for this purpose. An application to this effect has already been
Neue Regelungen für Kreislaufwirtschaft treten Anfang 2025 in Kraft
Enerdrape wurde für ihr geothermisches Paneel mit der ersten AMAG Sustainability Challenge ausgezeichnet. Die Lösung verwandelt unterirdische Räume in erneuerbare Wärmequellen und spart dabei Bohrungen. Der Preis umfasst 50’000 Franken und ein Jahr Nutzung eines VW
Prices for property in Bern remain on an upward trend
Rents and prices for flats and houses in the canton of Bern are currently around 3.3 per cent higher than in the previous year. This is due to population growth and low new construction activity. These are the findings of the Berner Kantonalbank's property
Future-oriented urban development in Bern
The visionary Wankdorfcity 3 project is taking shape in Bern, creating new residential and living space. The building permit granted lays the foundation for a lively neighbourhood that will provide around 500 flats and 3,000 jobs by 2029. The mix of living, working and leisure will revitalise the
EnBW acquires enersis to promote digital twins in the energy sector
Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (EnBW) has acquired enersis Suisse AG and enersis Europe GmbH in order to strengthen its expertise in the area of digitalized distribution grids and smart grids. Enersis will continue to operate as an independent
Striking building for Bern
An important milestone has been reached in the "Future Kunstmuseum Bern" construction project: the architectural firm Schmidlin Architekten (Zurich and Engadin) has won the international competition for the renovation and extension of the Kunstmuseum Bern. Their winning project, "Eiger", envisages
University of Bern makes Postgasse even greener
Die Universität Bern startete 2023 das Projekt „Die grünste Gasse der Welt“ mit einer Begrünungsaktion in der Postgasse. Ziel ist es, die biologische Vielfalt zu erhöhen, das Stadtklima zu verbessern und die Lebensqualität der Bewohner zu steigern. Am 25. Mai fand ein zweiter Pflanztag
Importance of the property sector for the Swiss economy
The Federal Office for Housing highlights the high economic significance of the real estate sector in Switzerland. With a share of 11 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 16 percent including rental income and imputed rents, the sector is an important economic factor. Approximately
Company secures CHF 3 million for compressed air energy storage system
Green-Y Energy AG has successfully completed a financing round of 3 million Swiss francs, led by Swiss Capital Global Impact Fund AG. The company from Hasle near Burgdorf plans to use the funds to optimize and market its innovative compressed air energy storage technology. This technology stores
CO2 removal in building materials: CDR alliance grows
Over the next few years, NextGen CDR will purchase CO2 removed from the air and permanently stored in building materials (carbon dioxide removal, CDR) from the Bern-based company Neustark at 18 locations. The CDR alliance includes Mitsubishi, South Pole, UBS and
Ground-breaking ceremony for Bern’s first PlusEnergy neighbourhood
Following an extensive development phase, today's ground-breaking ceremony symbolically marked the start of construction for the high-quality and sustainable Aarerain residential estate in Ittigen-Worblaufen. Handover to the investor is expected to take place at the end of
New construction of the Witzwil regional prison
The Bernese Government Council presents the Grand Council with financing proposals for the new construction of the Witzwil regional prison, including the relocation of agricultural buildings in order to continue prison operations without the use of temporary
IWB to decommission distribution network for natural gas by 2037
Basel-Stadt will bis 2037 aus der fossilen Wärmeversorgung aussteigen. Deshalb beendet die IWB bis dahin die Versorgung mit Erdgas. Ein Teil der 11‘000 mit Erdgas versorgten Liegenschaften kann ins Fernwärmenetz einbezogen werden. Für 3200 Liegenschaften werden Alternativen