Ticino excellence
La Franco Dell’Oro SA è una piccola azienda ticinese di grande tradizione. Specializzata in allestimenti e attrezzature per locali pubblici, vanta una competenza unica nel suo campo, molto richiesta anche in Svizzera interna e perfino all’estero. Incontro con il suo titolare, Daniele De
All players in the industry must be ready for change
Le FFS stanno attualmente testando il Building Information Modeling (BIM) su una ventina di progetti pilota. Andreas Brunner, membro di direzione di FFS Infrastrutture, è convinto: il modo di pensare e la maniera di lavorare dovranno cambiare prima di poter utilizzare con successo il
"The canton invests 360 million in public works"
Giovanni Realini, capo della Sezione della Logista del Dipartimento cantonale delle finanze e dell’economia, spiega come nel prossimo quadriennio il Cantone sosterrà l’economia ticinese con consistenti investimenti nel proprio patrimonio immobiliare. Una panoramica sulle principali opere in
"Valascia is the cathedral of Leventina"
Der Architekt Mario Botta erklärt seine Vision für die neue Ambrì-Piotta-Hockeybahn. Ein Projekt, das die Landschaft und das Leben von Leventina prägen soll und in dem der Tessiner Stararchitekt seine gesamte Vision von Architektur zum Ausdruck bringt. Und er erinnert sich kurz an die Meister,
Interview with Beat Bachmann, Head of the Business Contact Point in the Canton of Zug
Why should a foreign company set up in your canton? Beat Bachmann: The Zug economic area offers a total package of outstanding location factors: the pronounced economic friendliness, political and financial stability, attractive taxes for companies and private individuals, internationality and the
All industry participants must be ready for change
Die SBB erproben Building Information Modeling (BIM) zurzeit an knapp zwei Dutzend Pilotprojekten. Andreas Brunner, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung Infrastruktur SBB, ist überzeugt: Für der erfolgreichen Einsatz von BIM werden sich die Denkweise und Arbeitsmethode weiter verändern
So stellen sich die Standortförderer der Kantone auf
Kanton Solothurn, Sarah Koch Weshalb sollte sich ein ausländisches Unternehmen in Ihrem Kanton niederlassen?Sarah Koch: Weil wir Fachkräfte, Know-how, Innovationspartner und die notwendige Infrastruktur vor Ort haben, um zukunftsträchtige Entwicklungsprojekte voranzutreiben. Und weil der Kanton
«Together we can achieve more»
The Greater Zurich Area (GZA) initially comprised the cantons of Glarus, Graubünden, Schaffhausen, Schwyz, Solothurn and Zug bordering Zurich. Uri and Ticino are new. Why did you decide to take this step? In the beginning it was Zurich, Schaffhausen and Graubünden, then over the years other
"The Limmattal is more than an alternative to Zurich"
Limmatstadt AG was launched 6 years ago. Where do you see your core tasks as managing director? I see myself as a service provider and ambassador for the entire region from Baden to Zurich, within the Limmat Valley and beyond. In my job I am always on the move and bring people and ideas together
"Large projects are becoming more and more difficult to implement"
You are a politician and an entrepreneur. At the end of 2019 you withdrew from active politics, why? After having been active on the cantonal council for 15 years and a total of 13 years on the municipal council, it was time to close this chapter. I wanted to make room for fresh, new employees
"Because of the Corona crisis, all investment projects will probably be put on hold"
Mr. Allemann, there has been a structural change in the Swiss hotel industry for a long time, with a trend towards larger hotels. Nevertheless, almost 90 percent of the hotels have fewer than 55 beds. How are these companies responding to this change? The biggest problem are businesses with ten to