Dr. Tanja Pohle tritt als neue Partnerin in die Geschäftsleitung von pom+Consulting AG ein
Im Zuge der stetigen Veränderungen in der Immobilienbranche und der zunehmenden Bedeutung moderner Arbeitsplatzkonzepte, tratt Dr. Tanja Pohle ab dem 1. Januar 2024 als neue Partnerin in die Geschäftsleitung von pom+Consulting AG ein. Dieser Schritt unterstreicht die strategische Ausrichtung des
Susanne Szentkuti, urban planner
Together with Florian Kühne, city architect, she is the architect of Thun's urban development as co-head of the planning department. In her endeavour to find a harmonious balance between preservation and innovation, she focuses on high-quality inner city development that strengthens Thun's
“Thun should develop without losing the city’s identity”
For over a decade, Mayor Raphael Lanz has steered the fortunes of Thun and shaped the development of this idyllic Swiss town. In this interview, he reflects on the highs and lows of his time in office, the economic drivers and his vision for the future of Thun. Lanz openly discusses successes,
Erfolgreiche Bilanz trotz herausforderndem Markt
Trotz eines schwierigen Umfelds und einer rückläufigen Bauindustrie in Europa präsentiert die Geberit Unternehmensgruppe überzeugende Ergebnisse für die ersten drei Quartale 2023. Die Gruppe konnte ihre Profitabilität steigern und in lokalen Währungen ein Gewinnwachstum pro Aktie
Beatrice Bichsel becomes new Head of SBB Real Estate
Beatrice Bichsel will take over as Head of SBB Real Estate and become a member of the Management Board on 1 September 2023. She succeeds Alexander Muhm as a former member of the Management Board of SBB Real Estate. Alexander Muhm took over as Head of SBB Freight Traffic at the end of June
Energy Cluster invites to one-day course on photovoltaic façades
Energy Cluster invites interested parties to a one-day course on photovoltaic façades. At the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts on 12 September, the focus will be on the role of photovoltaic façades in the energy system of the
Until the chemistry is right
At Empa, Dorina Opris is researching how to synthesise complex electroactive polymers for robotic components, sensors or batteries - a promising project that the European Research Council is currently funding with one of its prestigious "ERC Consolidator Grants". This is not the Empa chemist's
Fabian Streiff becomes Head of the Office for Economic Affairs – Hans Rupp Head of the Office for Employment
The Office of Economic Affairs and Employment will be transferred into two independent organisational units as of 1 January 2024. The Government Council has now chosen the heads of the two new offices. Hans Rupp will be head of the Office of Labour, Dr Fabian Streiff head of the Office of
Andrea Wegmüller appointed new Head of Property Management at Zug Estates
The Board of Directors and the Executive Board of Zug Estates Holding AG have elected Andrea Wegmüller (38) as Head of Property Management and Member of the Executive Board of Zug Estates AG. He will take up his position on 1 August
Relevance of social sustainability in institutional real estate portfolios
Joëlle Zimmerli has been working on the interface between society and the real estate industry for over ten years. Her field of activity covers all phases of the real estate cycle, from basic research to project development and management. Zimmerli is a member of the SSREI audit committee and, as
Outlook with the Innovation Park in Dübendorf
The Innovation Park Zurich (IPZ) is developing rapidly. The next expansion phase is already being developed and planned. In addition to the existing halls, the first new buildings are to be built soon, which will allow flexible use for cutting-edge research and development. They will be developed
“The city of Winterthur is often underestimated”
In an interview with Immo!nvest, the director of the House of Winterthur, Samuel Roth, and his colleague Antonietta Lomoro, project manager for business development at the House of Winterthur, outline how Winterthur is likely to develop over the next ten years, the city's appeal to start-ups and
Reto Zeidler becomes Head of Cyber Security at Inventx
Inventx AG, the digitalisation and IT partner of leading Swiss banks and insurance companies, has appointed Reto Zeidler as its new Head of Cyber Security as of 1 June 2023. He is responsible for the provision of security services as well as the further development and expansion of the security
Patrick Berger takes over management of DBU Facility Services
Patrick Berger has been at the helm of DBU Facility Services AG since 1 January 2023. The 31-year-old takes over the reins from his father Daniel Berger. We are extremely pleased that the succession in our family business has been secured. Today, DBU is backed by a young, competent team.
Rückblick 94. immoTable Suisse Romandie
Bei schönstem Sonnenschein fand am 6. Oktober 2022, der 94. immoTable der Suisse Romandie im Millennium in Lausanne Crissier statt. Es war ein gelungener Anlass, mit spannenden Referaten und wertvollen Inputs, der die Tendenzen der Zukunft aufzeigte. An dieser Stelle bedanken wir uns bei der
Velux Group appoints Lars Petersson as new CEO to succeed David Briggs who is retiring
Die Velux Gruppe ernennt Lars Petersson zum neuen CEO und ersetzt damit David Briggs. Dieser hat sich entschieden, in den Ruhestand zu gehen. Lars Petersson ist derzeit Präsident und CEO von Hempel und wird am 1. November 2022 zu Velux wechseln. Anders Götzsche, CFO, wird bis dahin als
CBRE continues to expand Hotels & Operational Real Estate Team in Switzerland
CBRE Schweiz baut ihr Hotels & Operational Real Estate Team weiter aus und stellt Julia Wyss per 1. September 2022 als Co-Head of Hotels & Operational Real Estate ein. Julia Wyss war seit 2015 im Hotel Team von CBRE in London, Grossbritannien, tätig, wo sie Transaktions- und strategische
Luzerner Kantonalbank: Simon Kauth becomes a new member of the Executive Board
Simon Kauth wird per 1. Januar 2023 neues Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung der Luzerner Kantonalbank AG (LUKB) und übernimmt die Führung des Departements Technologie & Services. Simon Kauth ist promovierter Ökonom (Universität St. Gallen HSG) und bringt langjährige Führungserfahrung an der
New branch manager in Solothurn
The PRIVERA branch in Solothurn will be managed by Matthias Räber from August 1st, 2022. Mr. Räber is a real estate manager with a Swiss Federal Diploma. Specialist certificate and has been supporting PRIVERA since October 2021 as a senior manager. He previously worked as head of property