Renewables hold a high share of electricity and heat
The expansion of renewables is progressing slowly. A study by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy shows that Bern, Geneva, Aarau and Zurich are leading the way. 65 energy suppliers supply more than 80 per cent renewable electricity. Renewables also supply 80 per cent heat. The majority of gas

Meyer Burger divests measurement technology subsidiary Pasan
The solar cell manufacturer Meyer Burger is selling its subsidiary Pasan as part of its ongoing restructuring programme. The parties have agreed not to disclose the buyer or the financial details of the transaction. Pasan is recognised as a leader in high-precision measurement technology for the

AI accelerates perovskite solar cells for the mass market
Perovskite solar cells could revolutionise photovoltaics. Their high efficiency and flexible application possibilities make them very promising. However, production hurdles are slowing market maturity. A new study by KIT shows how artificial intelligence optimises processes through machine learning

Innovative wind turbine enters test phase
VentoStream is about to start trial operation of its compact, efficient and quiet wind turbines. They combine modern aerodynamics with flow and turbine technology. The beta version of the prototype will be tested in 2025 in the Basel region and at a high alpine

Expansion of the power supply in Graubünden
Graubünden-based Repower AG will be supplying additional municipalities with electricity from 2027. It wants to reduce the particularly high costs in the Moesa region before the energy supply contracts expire. From 2026, electricity purchases should become noticeably

AI solution optimises solar systems
SmartHelio's Autopilot analysis software, which was launched at the beginning of 2024, has optimised the performance of more than 200 solar systems over the course of the year. It is designed to extend their service life by eight years, increase production by 10 per cent and predict faults and

Mushroom batteries the energy source
The novel mushroom battery does not need a charging station, but nutrients to generate energy. Developed by Empa researchers, it is based on a microbial fuel cell that combines two types of fungi for the first time. Yeast fungi on the anode release electrons, while the cathode is colonised by the

A success story of balcony power plants in Germany
Balcony power plants are booming in Germany like never before. by 2024, the number of systems will have doubled to over 780,000. New laws, falling prices and strong demand are driving this sustainable trend forward. Germany is thus becoming a pioneer in the use of plug-in solar

Climate-neutral industry – Vision 2026
The Association for the Decarbonisation of Industry has set itself the goal of reducing industrial emissions through innovative processes such as methane pyrolysis and even generating negative emissions in the long term. The ambitious project is set to go into regular operation by 2026. The members

New company strengthens local power supply in Buttisholz and the surrounding area
The new Dorfstrom AG has been offering services in the field of energy supply since the beginning of the year. It focusses on the promotion of virtual mergers for self-consumption and the development of local electricity

Sette aziende creano un’agenzia comune per la fornitura di calore sostenibile nella Svizzera orientale
Sette aziende della Svizzera orientale uniscono le forze e fondano Wärme Netz Ostschweiz AG (WNO). Questa società realizzerà il finanziamento, lo sviluppo del progetto, la pianificazione, la vendita, la costruzione e la gestione di soluzioni di riscaldamento

New technologies for geothermal utilisation developed in Switzerland
Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH) are working on systems for utilising energy from underground. In addition to minimising earthquakes caused by artificial cracks, closed systems for water and CO2 are also being

Council of States wants to facilitate the construction of small wind turbines
The Council of States wants to facilitate the construction of wind turbines with a height of up to 30 metres. These should also be able to be built outside of building zones. In doing so, it is following a state initiative from Appenzell

Securing the supply of raw materials for the energy transition
The demand for important mineral commodities such as copper, lithium and rare earths is increasing, while geopolitical tensions and market monopolies are making supply more difficult. The Federal Council has presented a report outlining options for action to ensure Switzerland's security of supply

Innovative control system for district heating networks
With the "AD Net Heat" software, Fraunhofer researchers are developing a solution that makes district heating networks more efficient and climate-friendly. With the help of a digital twin, heat flows can be simulated, peak loads can be forecast and networks can be optimally controlled - an

Zug sets new standards with Circulago
With the new Unterfeld energy centre, the canton of Zug is taking a significant step towards a sustainable heating and cooling supply. The utilisation of lake water and innovative sector coupling technologies make the Circulago energy network a central component of the energy transition and the

District heating project in Bern utilises the River Aare as an energy source
Energie Wasser Bern (ewb) is examining the establishment of a heating network in the north-east of Bern. Ewb also wants to utilise the heat from the River Aare as an energy source. Water is to be drawn from the river at Engehalde for this purpose. An application to this effect has already been

New projects for decarbonisation of the gas industry to start in 2025
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) and Gaznat are expanding their collaboration. They are planning three calls for tenders for research and development projects in the field of clean gas supply. Gaznat is providing CHF 5 million over seven

Melting glaciers make room for water reservoirs
A new report by the Federal Council shows that the retreat of glaciers in the Alps increases the potential for electricity production and seasonal energy storage from hydropower. Despite the additional potential of up to 2430 gigawatt hours, conflicts of interest make it difficult to fully exploit

Biohydrogen from wood waste
A new path to green energy is emerging in the Black Forest. Wood waste is turned into biohydrogen. Researchers are developing a biotechnological process that promotes the wood-based circular economy. From 2025, a modular pilot plant will test the innovative process for renewable hydrogen production