Energie Ausserschwyz increases capital for district heating expansion
Energie Ausserschwyz has completed a capital increase of 25.5 million for the expansion of its district heating network in the districts of March and Höfe. The first goal is an accelerated pipeline expansion in the direction of Pfäffikon
Neustark expands into the EU
Bern/Berlin – Neustark hat mit der Recyclingfirma Heim seine erste Speicheranlage für CO2 in Deutschland eröffnet. In der Anlage in Berlin-Marzahn werden jährlich rund 1000 Tonnen biogenes CO2 in Abbruchbeton gespeichert. In den nächsten Jahren will neustark weitere 15 Projekte in der
Study on the role of spatial planning in rising housing costs
In Switzerland, rents increased by an average of 30% between 2000 and 2021. The prices of residential property even increased by over 80%. The Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED) of the University of Bern, in collaboration with IAZI, has investigated the causes of the increased housing
Admicasa establishes fund management company and launches its own real estate fund
Admicasa Holding AG has scored a major success: the Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA has granted Admicasa a licence as a fund management company. The Group management has thus completed the establishment of the company Admicasa Fondsleitung AG and is launching its first own real estate
Mobiliar invests in heat reduction in Bern neighbourhood
Mobiliar is paying 450,000 francs for measures to reduce heat in the Breitenrain district of Bern. The municipal council has approved 1.3 million francs for this. In the course of the renovation of the utility lines by Energie Wasser Bern, Optingenstrasse is to become greener, cooler and more
Einschätzung des Zinsmarktes durch Avobis
Wirtschaftliche Kennzahlen für das zweite Quartal deuten auf eine wirtschaftliche Stagnation hin. Bevor die Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) ihre Entscheidung trifft, signalisiert die Inflationsrate von 1,60% die Möglichkeit einer Zinsstabilität in der bevorstehenden Sitzung am 21. September.
Price increases support growth at dormakaba
Dormakaba hat seinen Umsatz im Geschäftsjahr 2022/23 auf 2,85 Milliarden Franken gesteigert. Das organische Wachstum wurde hauptsächlich von Preiserhöhungen generiert. Das bereinigte Betriebsergebnis fiel mit knapp 385 Millionen Franken um 3,4 Prozent höher als im Vorjahr
Duravit strengthens top management: Jutta Langer becomes “President Europe Plus
Die Duravit AG verstärkt das Top Management: Jutta Langer startet zum 01.09.2023 als „President Europe Plus“. In dieser Funktion berichtet sie direkt an CEO Stephan Tahy und übernimmt die strategische, organisatorische und P&L-Verantwortung für die Märkte in Europa und Afrika. Jutta Langer
BlackRock’s investment and Switzerland as an emerging blockchain hub
In a groundbreaking development, BlackRock, one of the world's largest asset managers, has decided to increasingly rely on digital currencies and drive their further development. This decision highlights the growing importance of crypto technology in the global financial sector. The U.S. - a
CEO Esther Denzler leaves WWZ
By mutual agreement, the Board of Directors of the WWZ Group and CEO Esther Denzler have decided to terminate their cooperation with immediate effect. Esther Denzler took over the management of the WWZ Group at an exceptionally challenging moment. Against this backdrop, she succeeded in developing
Home ownership is becoming more expensive
Prices for residential property continued to rise in the second quarter of 2023. In a quarterly comparison, prices for owner-occupied flats rose more strongly than prices for single-family houses. This is shown by surveys conducted by the Federal Statistical
Crowdlending, a new source of real estate financing
The technology is revolutionising real estate investment by opening up investment opportunities to private individuals that were previously denied to them. In real estate crowdlending, private individuals can join together to lend money to real estate companies to finance development projects or
Home prices rise by 1.2% in Q2 2023
The Swiss Residential Property Price Index (IMPI) rose by 1.2% in Q2 2023 compared to the previous quarter and stands at 115.9 points (Q4 2019 = 100). Compared to the same quarter in the previous year, inflation was 2.4%. This is shown by the figures of the Federal Statistical Office
Schweizer Konjunktur harzt – Verarbeitendes Gewerbe im Abschwung
Der KOF Geschäftslageindikator für die Schweizer Wirtschaft, der aus den KOF Konjunkturumfragen berechnet wird, gibt im Juli deutlich nach. Die Geschäftslage ist so ungünstig wie seit zwei Jahren nicht mehr. Der Preisauftrieb nimmt dagegen in nahezu allen Wirtschaftsbereichen ab. Auch der
Pension funds: Out of bounds with real estate
A la fin de l'année dernière, une caisse de pension suisse sur trois détenait plus de placements immobiliers que ne l'autorisent les prescriptions. C'est ce que montrent les données dont finews.ch a eu connaissance en exclusivité. Les caisses de prévoyance veulent maintenant corriger le tir -
Zinsupdate Juni 2023
Zum fünften Mal in Folge erhöht die SNB den Referenzzinssatz: Im Einklang mit der breiten Markterwartung, doch entgegen der im Zinsmarkt eingepreisten Annahme um nur 25 Basispunkte auf 1.75%. Aufgrund der positiven Inflationsdynamik, die sich im Mai mit 2.20% gegenüber dem Vorjahr und 0.30%
Private banks in Switzerland successful thanks to interest business
The Big 8 private banks were most affected by the difficult conditions of last year, but still achieved strong results. Some small banks also did well. They have transformed their business model in recent years, managed to keep costs stable and limit the decline in commission income. The number of
Rise in Swiss asking rents continues
The increase in asking rents in Switzerland continued in May. At the cantonal level, too, all cantons but one increased. At the same time, asking rents in most of the cities surveyed rose more strongly than in the associated cantons. This is shown by the current figures from the Homegate rent
Swiss Prime Site plans to issue a convertible loan in the amount of CHF 250 million maturing in 2030
Swiss Prime Side, which has an issuer rating of "A3" from Moody's, plans to issue an unsubordinated, unsecured convertible loan in the amount of CHF 250 million due in 2030 (the "SPS Convertible Loan") to finance real estate projects and refinance current debt. The Bonds are convertible into newly
Rents in large cities stable to declining – only Zurich with significant increase
In April, asking rents in the eight Swiss cities surveyed only increased significantly in Zurich. In the remaining cities, however, advertised rents were relatively stable or even declined last month. Looking back over the year, however, asking rents have risen in all cantons and cities without