Buildings become energy hubs
The Conference of Cantonal Energy Directors (EnDK) shows the cantonal building policy in a new internet platform. The aim is to turn buildings into energy hubs. According to a study commissioned by the EnDK, the specifications for the replacement of heating systems are having an effect.
Buildings should contribute to the implementation of the Confederation’s Energy Strategy 2025. The cantons support this through regulations and the promotion of climate-friendly technologies. The goal is to transform buildings into energy hubs, explains the EnDK in a press release. To illustrate this development, the EnDK has launched the new platform energiehub-gebä Here, the legal foundations and the status of the implementation of the cantonal building policy are presented and practical examples are given.
The Conference of Cantonal Energy Offices has also had the effects of the cantonal requirements for heating system replacement analysed on the basis of five selected cantons. EBP Schweiz AG was entrusted with the preparation of a corresponding study, the EnDK informs in a press release on energiehub-gebä The results showed that CO2 emissions from buildings have steadily decreased since 1990. The requirements defined in the cantons’ 2014 model energy regulations in the area of heating system replacement were the decisive factor. There, a share of between 10 and 100 per cent of renewable energies is prescribed for residential buildings when replacing heating systems.
“On average, the regulations in the five cantons led to 90 percent of new heating systems in residential buildings being operated with renewable energy or waste heat,” the statement says. The availability of gas and dense development in urban areas are cited as complicating factors. Despite strong subsidies, financial reasons continue to play a role in the retention of fossil-fuel heating systems.