Building Award honours lifetime achievement for timber construction

With the Building Award, the bilding foundation annually honours outstanding engineering achievements in construction. In addition to prizes in six categories, a lifetime achievement was also honoured this time. The prize winner is Hermann Blumer for his influence on modern timber construction that extends beyond Europe.
The Bern-based bilding – Swiss Foundation for the Promotion of Young Engineers in Construction presented its awards for outstanding engineering achievements in construction this year on 15 June. The Building Award is presented annually in six categories. At the 5th Building Award, a lifetime achievement was also honoured for the first time, Building Award informs in a press release. The Lifetime Award went to Hermann Blumer for his influence on modern timber construction, which extended beyond Europe.
Blumer “undoubtedly wrote building and architectural history”, writes Building Award in a press release on this year’s award winners. There, the honouree is described as a “bridge builder between the old and the new world of timber construction”. Born in 1943, he carried “the enthusiasm for the engineering profession into the world” and motivated “young people to do the same”.
The prize for structural engineering went to Dr.Lüchinger+Meyer Bauingenieure for the conversion of the Felix Platter Hospital in Basel. The prize for infrastructure construction went to Basler & Hofmann AG for the slope stabilisation structure of a building for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. The prize for energy systems and building technology went to Kalt+Halbeisen Ingenieubüro AG for their networking of the tuwag site in Wädenswil ZH. TTS Inova won the prize in the Research and Development, Startups category for its geothermal probe. Lea Bressan from Basler & Hofmann AG was honoured as Young Professionals. The drumrum Raumschule and Queens of Structure CH received the prize for promoting young talent in the field of technology for their exhibition.