Borobotics builds prototypes of its drilling robot for geothermal energy

Winterthur, August 2023

Borobotics AG is about to build its prototype. The self-developed Grabowski drilling robot is intended to replace traditional drilling methods for geothermal heat pumps. In contrast, Grabowski is space-saving, very quiet, more efficient and consumes many times less energy.

Borobotics is approaching its first test drilling over 20 metres. According to the company newsletter, this is to take place at the end of September with the prototype of the self-developed drilling robot called Grabowski. Most of the parts and the motors have now arrived and assembly can begin. It is intended to revolutionise the drilling process for ground-coupled heat pumps.

According to Borobotics, the problems with current techniques for tapping geothermal energy are the large space required for the construction machines of at least 50 square metres and the distance of 10 metres required to the next borehole. In addition, the impact energy of the conventional drill can trigger earthquakes. Water layers would be detected and penetrated too late. In addition, these devices are very loud, expensive and labour-intensive.

In contrast, with the Grabowski, all the equipment for drilling is integrated in the borehole. The robot digs autonomously and energy-efficiently to a depth of 250 metres. The compactness of the system means that drilling can be carried out even in places where there was previously not enough space. And the costs are said to be only a fraction.

“While the first prototype is about to be deployed for the first time, we are already busy building the second, more advanced prototype,” Borobotics said in its newsletter. It will have a system of fluid muscles. They will enable it to move up and down the borehole like a worm. This movement unit will be tested in a 50-metre test in early 2024. Borobotics is currently based in the RUNWAY Startup Incubator at Technopark Winterthur.

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