Career prospects in Swiss timber construction

June 2024

The timber construction industry plays a central role in Switzerland in the field of sustainable construction and energy-efficient building refurbishment. As an environmentally friendly and climate-neutral construction technology, it contributes to reducing energy consumption and shaping the future of the country. For trained carpenters, this opens up career development opportunities for highly qualified specialists, engineers and energy consultants. Timber construction offers career prospects that enable individual development and specialisation.

The importance of the timber construction industry
The timber construction industry plays a key role in Switzerland, particularly in the area of sustainable construction and energy-efficient building refurbishment. Building with wood is an environmentally friendly and climate-neutral method that ensures minimal energy consumption both during the construction phase (grey energy) and during the subsequent operation of the building. The timber construction industry makes a significant contribution to shaping Switzerland’s future.

Career prospects and further training options
Once they have completed their basic training, trained carpenters have numerous options open to them: They can work as highly qualified specialists in the company, gain experience on the mill or abroad or continue their education to become a foreman, foreman, technician or engineer, all the way up to master craftsman. If the vocational baccalaureate has not already been completed during the basic training programme, it can be completed as a full-time course of study within a year of completing the basic training programme. This enables a seamless transition to a higher technical college or university of applied sciences without examinations. The career plan for timber construction in Switzerland offers the opportunity for lifelong learning, individual further training and specialisation as well as various advanced training courses. Training as an energy consultant, project manager for solar systems or craftsman in monument preservation are just a few examples. A career in timber construction thus offers the opportunity to develop and orientate yourself individually according to your own wishes and needs.

Carpenter EFZ
Carpenters at EFZ level mainly work with wood and are proficient in timber construction activities. They work as generalists in operations as well as in shell construction and finishing. They are familiar with the requirements of the building trade and work with other tradespeople involved in construction.

Your career start with good prospects. The profession of woodworker EBA (Federal Vocational Certificate) is an independent, two-year basic training programme in the wood industry. It covers a wide range of activities in the woodworking industry as well as in timber construction.

Certified technician
HF Holztechnik

HF timber construction technicians plan timber constructions independently on the basis of project plans and manage their realisation. They take on management tasks within the company or manage a department. As a team leader on the construction site, they coordinate the work with the other tradespeople.

Vocationalbaccalaureate and business administration/entrepreneurship degree programme
The vocational baccalaureate and the business administration degree programme NDS are industry-independent training courses. While the vocational baccalaureate primarily deepens general knowledge, the business administration programme imparts knowledge for entrepreneurial activities in higher management positions.

Master timber construction technician with a federal diploma
Master timber construction technicians manage a timber construction company or a larger department. They have overall responsibility for the technical, economic and personnel management, organisation and further development of the company. They liaise closely with customers, suppliers and architects.

Dipl. Techniker/in
HF Baufführung Holzbau

Graduates work as a designer or operations manager in a timber company. Thanks to their extensive skills, they are “generalists for modern timber construction”: from preparing quotations, planning and realisation to execution control and invoicing.

Master of Science in Wood Technology
This degree programme, which is unique in Europe, combines practical relevance with research and development. The programme enables students to work in timber construction and in all processing stages of the timber industry from a technical, business and ecological perspective.

Bachelor of Science in Wood Technology
The training concept covers a broad spectrum – from raw materials and semi-finished products to supporting structures, furniture and energy-efficient buildings. The focus is on intelligent and innovative solutions for modern timber construction as well as sustainable products and processes using wood.

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