Building rights create affordable living space in Zurich

May 2024

In Zurich-Wiedikon, the housing project of the Im Gut building co-operative is taking shape, enabling the creation of 44 additional affordable flats through the early renewal of municipal building rights. This initiative marks a decisive step in the city's housing policy and represents a model for the use of building rights to improve the quality and accessibility of housing.

The Im Gut building cooperative has set itself the goal of comprehensively renovating and expanding its housing estates on Gutstrasse in Zurich-Wiedikon, which are characterised by a building fabric that is around 70 years old. As part of a master plan, the possibilities for the construction of non-profit flats as well as the establishment of a double kindergarten and the creation of communal and public-orientated usable areas are being explored. Two building plots, which were renovated in 2012 and 2014, are just the beginning. The next steps include the redesign of two further plots, which will be made possible by urban building rights.

New residential concepts and the role ofmunicipal building rights
The construction of 28 new flats is planned on the plot at Gutstrasse 146 to 152, while two listed buildings, including a residential tower block with 46 flats, will be renovated. The annual ground rent for this field amounts to around CHF 69,000. At the same time, the neighbouring plot at Gutstrasse 145 to 153 will be completely redeveloped and will provide space for 72 flats. The two building plots will thus provide a total of 146 affordable flats – an increase of 44 flats compared to the current stock.

Setting the financial and planning course
The city council is endeavouring to renew the building rights for these projects for a further 62 years ahead of schedule, thereby underlining the city’s long-term commitment to promoting affordable housing. The decision to grant the building rights lies with the municipal council. In preparation for the start of construction in September 2023 and the planned occupation of the housing estate in winter 2025/2026, one-off expenditure of CHF 1.355 million has already been approved for the renovation of the building site. This financial commitment is a significant contribution to strengthening the urban infrastructure and ensuring the quality of living for broad sections of the population.

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