Building licence granted: Ground-breaking ceremony draws closer

Aarau , May 2024

The Aargau Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AIHK) has received planning permission from the city of Aarau for the planned new Haus der Wirtschaft. The demolition of the existing building will begin in mid-August. The new building should be ready for occupation in spring 2026.

Under the title “Full speed ahead thanks to building permit”, the latest issue of the “Impulse” magazine published by the Aargau Chamber of Industry and Commerce(AIHK) reports on the progress of planning for the new Haus der Wirtschaft in Aarau. On 25 March, the city of Aarau issued the building permit, according to the magazine. The path to the new Haus der Wirtschaft is therefore clear and the ground-breaking ceremony is approaching. The new Haus der Wirtschaft is expected to be completed in spring 2026.

As the building permit has been granted earlier than expected, the parties involved have been able to press ahead with the planning work and bring forward the implementation planning, the report continues. Tenders are currently being invited for the various works. The award negotiations for the most important contracts are due to take place at the beginning of July.

According to the plans, the demolition of the existing building will then begin in mid-August. This will be followed by excavation and drilling for the planned seven geothermal probes. The shell construction work will start at the beginning of October 2024. The new Haus der Wirtschaft should be ready for occupation in spring 2026.

During the construction work, the employees of the AIHK and the AIHK compensation fund will move to other premises in July. It is still unclear where. Talks about possible rental properties in Aarau are ongoing, according to the AIHK.

According to an earlier report in “Impulse”, the new Haus der Wirtschaft will enable more professional courses and events to be organised. The new building also stands for the ongoing digitalisation and modernisation that has been taking place at the association for several years.

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