Start of construction work on temporary bridging structure for Zurich Opera House

July 2024

In order to remedy the acute lack of space at Zurich Opera House, construction of a temporary bridging building will begin in July 2024. This step is part of the "Future Opera" project, which includes the long-term renovation and expansion of the historic building.

The historic Zurich Opera House and the adjoining extension need to be renovated in the first half of the 2030s. The “Future Opera” project was launched in April 2023 to plan this comprehensive structural measure and ensure the future viability of the opera house. Due to the acute lack of space, the legal guidelines for occupational safety and workplace design are currently not being adhered to in many places.

Dialogue process and establishment of a foundation
A comprehensive dialog process with a wide range of stakeholders and the establishment of a foundation, which plays an important role in the financing, have paved the way for the project. Feasibility studies were carried out to determine the best approach.

Design by the architectural firm EM2N
The design for the bridging building comes from the architectural firm EM2N. The plan is for a single-storey, pavilion-like wooden structure on the roof of the extension building on the corner of Utoquai and Falkenstrasse. Preparations for construction will begin on July 4, 2024, and the actual timber construction will be erected in August 2024. The design emphasizes flexibility, functionality and reusability.

Costs and schedule
The total costs for the temporary bridging structure amount to CHF 4.57 million. The additional floor space of 330 square meters is intended to improve the spatial situation for employees in the near future until the long-term structural measures have been completed.

Improving working conditions
The temporary building will not solve the general space problem, but it will help to alleviate the acute situation and significantly improve working conditions until the comprehensive structural developments are completed.

“Future Opera” project
The “Future Opera” project aims to renovate Zurich Opera House and its extension in the long term while creating added value for the city and canton. These measures are intended to ensure that the opera house will continue to meet the high standards of safety, functionality and design in the future.

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