Basel-Stadt wants to expand district heating and greening

Basel, August 2024

The Basel-Stadt government has presented a comprehensive plan to expand the district heating network. In addition to renovating streets and tram tracks, large urban areas will be greened and unsealed to improve the city's climate.

The government council of the canton of Basel-Stadt has developed a comprehensive concept for the expansion of the district heating network and submitted it as a proposal. According to a press release, roads, pipelines and streetcar tracks are to be extensively renovated as part of this plan. At the same time, many inner-city public areas are to be unsealed.

This extensive redesign also offers a unique opportunity to green large areas, according to the press release. In order to implement the plans, the canton is examining the possibility of planting new trees for each upcoming redevelopment in accordance with the urban climate concept. In addition to the planting to be carried out now, the project provides for district heating and other pipes to be laid during the renovations in such a way that greenery can still be planted later. Planning and implementation must also ensure that the flow of traffic in the city is optimized and that any access by security forces such as the fire department or emergency medical services is guaranteed.

For the implementation of the overall project, the Government Council has requested a budget of CHF 4.1 million per year over 13 years, i.e. a total of CHF 51 million, from the Grand Council.

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