Award for innovative circular economy in the construction industry

Luzern , June 2024

Forschende der Hochschule Luzern und der Technischen Universität München erzielen mit dem Forschungsprojekt circularWOOD den ersten Platz bei der Sustainability Challenge der Deutschen Gesellschaft für nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB). Der Preis wurde in der Kategorie Forschung für die Umsetzung zirkulärer Prinzipien im Holzbau vergeben.

Researchers from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts(HSLU) have won the Sustainability Challenge organised by the German Sustainable Building Council(DGNB) together with the Technical University of Munich(TUM). According to a press release, the circularWOOD project was awarded first place in the research category. Sonja Geier, Deputy Head of the Competence Center Typology & Planning in Architecture(CCTP) at HSLU, and Sandra Schuster from TUM accepted the award in Stuttgart on 18 June 2024 as part of the DGNB’s Sustainability Day.

The CO2-neutral and ecologically high-quality raw material wood is becoming increasingly popular in the construction industry The circularWOOD research project aims to introduce this important raw material into a circular economy. “Today, wood does not remain part of the material cycle long enough,” Sonja Geier is quoted as saying in the press release. According to the press release, circular construction with the CO2-neutral building material wood will make an important contribution to achieving climate protection goals.

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