AMAG commissions second solar plant in Zuchwil

AMAG Solothurn hat in Zuchwill eine Solaranlage mit einer Leistung von 153 Kilowatt Peak in Betrieb genommen. Die Anlage ist bereits die zweite am Solothurner Standort. Bis 2025 will die AMAG Gruppe schweizweit rund 75'000 Quadratmeter Dachfläche mit Solarpanelen bestücken.
In mid-December, the AMAG Group commissioned a photovoltaic system with a peak output of 153 kilowatts at its site in Zuchwil, the Group, which is primarily active in the automotive trade, announced in a press release. By 2025, AMAG plans to equip around 75,000 square metres of space on AMAG premises with solar panels. This would enable the Group to cover over a fifth of its electricity requirements from its own production.
The 369 solar panels now installed in Zuchwil are already the Group’s second system at the Solothurn site. A similarly large system had already been put into operation at the end of June. “Our first photovoltaic system has already proved very successful and fulfils our expectations,” said Raphael Biberstein, Managing Director of AMAG Solothurn, in the press release. “It fills us with pride to be able to generate the electricity we need ourselves with these two systems.”
The AMAG Group has already installed further photovoltaic systems in Basel, Wettswil ZH, Lupfig AG, Chur, Baden AG, EtoyVD, Oftringen AG, Buchrain LU, Winterthur, Maienfeld GR, Cham, Noville VD, La Tour-de-Trême FR, Châtelaine GE, Lengwil TG and Lugano. They cover a total area of around 34,000 square metres.