Alpiq increases profit with lower revenue

Alpiq hat 2023 eine Gesamtleistung von 8420 Millionen Franken erzielt, 43 Prozent weniger als im Vorjahr. Der Gewinn verfünffachte sich fast auf 820 Millionen Franken. Dazu haben vor allem die Wasserkraftwerke in der Schweiz und Gaskraftwerke in Italien, Spanien und Ungarn beigetragen.
Alpiq benefited from the high demand for flexible electricity production in Switzerland and Europe in 2023. At CHF 8,420 million, the Lausanne-based energy supplier achieved a significantly lower total operating performance than in the previous year (CHF 14,899 million), reflecting the decline in electricity prices on the market. However, net profit rose from CHF 172 million to CHF 820 million, according to a press release.
The power plant portfolio with its flexible Swiss hydropower plants and gas-fired combined-cycle power plants in Italy, Spain and Hungary contributed the largest share of Group earnings before interest, taxes and levies at CHF 1,040 million. At CHF 1184 million, this was 150 per cent higher than the previous year.
Energy and certificate trading brought in a total of CHF 54 million in 2023, while the origination business – the marketing of third-party electricity production – generated CHF 169 million.
Alpiq will continue to focus on the production of electricity in the future, even when it is scarce due to the switch to renewable energies. “Our very good result gives us the opportunity to continue to invest heavily in urgently needed winter production and additional storage facilities,” Alpiq CEO Antje Kanngiesser is quoted as saying in the press release. in 2022 and 2023, Alpiq invested a total of CHF 316 million in maintaining, renewing and increasing the efficiency of its power plant portfolio.