96. immoTable Lucerne

Last Thursday, the 96th immoTable took place in the KKL Luzern.
Monika Schärer welcomed Cantonal Government Councillor Reto Wyss, who informed us about current issues in the Canton of Lucerne. Mr. Zettel, Head of Corporate Development, Lucerne Economic Development, gave an insight into current business and presented current real estate projects. Markus Weber HSLU Co-Director of the Digital Construction course, President of Bauen digital Schweiz showed the potential of BIM, IoT and Lifecycle Data Management. Sabine Ruoss, overall coordinator, and Massimo Guglielmetti, project manager for the Lucerne through station, showed us what is planned and will be built for the through station over the next 20 years. Finally, Clemens Högger from Energie360° showed us a forward-looking and economical energy solution with regard to the energy strategy challenge. At the Apéro Riche, the opportunity to exchange ideas and learn more with the speakers and partners was actively used.