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Madulain hydropower plant is back in operation

Poschiavo GR, October 2020

Repower AG has comprehensively renovated the Engadine Madulain hydropower plant. To do this, she invested around 2.3 million francs. The power plant supplies green electricity for the average annual consumption of 1,300 households.

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Repower has put the Madulain hydropower plant back into operation. According to a press release , the company invested around 2.3 million francs in its comprehensive renovation. Among other things, the control system, the control technology, the electrical installations and the entire medium-voltage switchgear were replaced. In addition, the turbine and generator had to be overhauled.

The Madulain hydropower plant produces around six gigawatt hours of electricity annually. This corresponds to the average annual consumption of 1,300 households.

The hydropower plant, built in 1903, was last renovated in 1980. It uses the tributary of the Ova d'Es-cha mountain stream on a slope of around 400 meters.

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