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University of St.Gallen gets a house in the park

St.Gallen, May 2021

The University of St.Gallen is getting a second campus on the Platztor site. Pascal Flammer's House in the Park project won the corresponding architecture competition. The planned six-story building should be ready for occupancy in 2029.

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The University of St.Gallen ( HSG ) needs more space, according to a joint communication from the Canton of St.Gallen , the City of St.Gallen and the HSG. The canton of St.Gallen will therefore have a second campus built for the HSG on the Platztor site in the city of St.Gallen. The project had already been approved by the population of the canton in 2019.

In the architecture competition organized by the canton, the project House in the Park by Zurich architect Pascal Flammer was able to prevail from among 59 candidates, informs the city administration. The winning project envisages a six-story building surrounded by a park. Large windows and a lot of wood made the building appear light and open, according to the announcement. On around 31,000 square meters, space will be created for around 3,000 students, lecturers and employees. The new building will significantly enhance the area “compared to the current situation”, write the authors.

In the next step, the canton will now work out the specific construction project. The approval process is then to be started in 2023. Construction is scheduled to start in 2025. The Haus am Park should be ready for use in 2029.

The communication estimates the cost of the project at CHF 207 million. The canton's population has already given their approval for the CHF 160 million allocated to the canton. The federal government and the HSG will contribute CHF 25 million and CHF 20 million respectively. The city of St.Gallen made a contribution of 2 million francs to the sale of the property.

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