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UBS and iptiQ launch new insurance

Zürich , July 2020

Zurich-based major bank UBS is teaming up with Swiss Re subsidiary iptiQ. Together, the partners offer an insurance solution for mortgage customers. This is accessible via the iptiQ digital platform.

UBS joins forces with iptiQ , a subsidiary of reinsurer Swiss Re . Together they are testing a new insurance solution specially designed for UBS's mortgage customers in Switzerland. The offer is accessible via the iptiQ digital platform, according to a communication . Initially, it will be tested for around six months from July 15. Then it should be optimized based on feedback.

"Protecting yourself against unforeseen events is of central importance for every homeowner," says UBS Switzerland boss Axel Lehmann. "We are pleased to be able to offer our mortgage customers, in cooperation with the Swiss Re subsidiary iptiQ, an innovative offer with which they can cover personal risks quickly and easily."

Cooperations between banks and insurance companies are already successful in many countries, UBS states in its announcement. In Switzerland, the bank still sees untapped potential in this area.

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