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The groundbreaking ceremony for QUBO has taken place

Sarnen, November 2021

With the QUBO, the canton of Obwalden receives a new place for innovation, entrepreneurship and cross-sector cooperation. It integrates the renovation and expansion of the headquarters of the construction company Eberli AG and the settlement of young companies.

The foundation stone for the QUBO in Sarnen was laid on Monday. The construction work for two interconnected buildings began. On the one hand, Eberli AG is modernizing and expanding its existing headquarters there. On the other hand, the Obwaldner Kantonalbank ( OKB ) is building a new building. Above all, the Startup Pilatus association should find space there. It promotes the settlement of start-ups in Obwalden. Both buildings are to merge into one unit through a central entrance, according to a press release by OKB.

“The QUBO will create a new, lively workplace in Sarnen,” the CEO of OKB, Bruno Thürig, is quoted as saying. “It creates space for new concepts and ideas in which the digital world of work and New Work can be lived.”

Accordingly, coworking workplaces, open spaces and various meeting rooms would also be offered in the new building. The OKB itself will set up a room as a creative lab. The room should also be available to external companies.

The redesign of the office space also enables Eberli AG to “work in a contemporary and efficient manner”, says CEO Alain Grossenbacher. In addition to Eberli AG, the future co-owner of the building, Orfida Treuhand + Revisions AG, and werkunion ag will also settle there. Architekturwerk ag, which is responsible for the architecture of the QUBO, belongs to it.

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