City of Baden starts revision of land use planning
The city of Baden is revising its land use planning and the building and land use regulations in a multi-stage process by 2025. The population is included. The first information event will take place on May 29th.
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With the opening event on Saturday, May 29, the participation of the people of Baden in the revision of the land use planning of the city of Baden begins. According to the press release, this revision should take place in several phases and bring a result by 2025, which will then be submitted to the residents' council and the government council for approval.
After 25 years in which various partial revisions have taken place, it is time to undertake an overall revision, the message says. It is about the structural development in view of the expected growth and the effects on settlement, traffic and open space. The guideline for the overall revision is the spatial development concept 2040 of the city of Baden. The structure plan of the canton of Aargau predicts a population growth of plus 34 percent or 6330 people for the city of Baden from 2013 to 2040. At the same time, Baden is listed on the structure plan map as an economic development focus of cantonal importance.
The public should be actively involved in the revision of the land use planning, according to the announcement. Information events, dialogue events, walks and workshops take place regularly under the motto “Baden will”. All information on participation can be found on the website, which was activated on Wednesday.
The revision of the land-use planning is currently in the first phase, which will determine the process and basis this spring. In the second, a good two-year phase, the draft of the new land use plan is drawn up. In the third phase from 2023 the formal participation and public edition will take place, with the possibility of submitting entries and objections. The third phase will be completed by the city council approving the land use planning revision, is explained in the press release. In phase four, the residents' council and the government council approve the revised land use plan.