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Schneider Electric procures green electricity for VELUX

Aarburg AG/Ittigen BE, January 2021

VELUX, manufacturer of roof windows, and Schneider Electric will enter into power purchase agreements for renewable energies as partners. With this, VELUX wants to achieve its climate goals and support producers of solar and wind energy.

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The VELUX Group and the electrical engineering group Schneider Electric will enter into a partnership with Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for renewable energies. According to a media release , Schneider Electric will support the VELUX Group with procurement as a full-service purchasing consultant.

As it is also stated there, the VELUX Group has committed itself to achieving its goal of 100 percent renewable electricity by 2023 and climate neutrality by 2030. In addition, the company is working on halving CO2 emissions in its entire value chain by 2030. At the same time, it will offset the group's entire historical carbon footprint, which dates back to its founding in 1941, through forest protection projects. These would be identified and managed by the WWF.

When concluding a PPA, a company undertakes to purchase electricity over the long term at an agreed price. This helps the operators of wind and solar systems with their investments. Because PPAs can be deposited as security at banks and insurance companies.

"We are committed to contributing to a sustainable future", says Jörn Neubert, Senior Vice President of Supply of the VELUX Group. “We are proud to be among the first companies in the world and to be the first company in the construction industry to take responsibility for past and future CO2 emissions. The partnership with Schneider Electric is an important part of that. "

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