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Schlieren expands planning for Zelgli school complex

Schlieren ZH, November 2021

The Schlierem city council has approved a loan of 80,000 francs for the strategic planning of the Zelgli school complex. The increasing number of schoolchildren makes new planning for the extension buildings necessary.

The city council of Schlieren has initiated an extended strategic plan for the Zelgli school complex. According to the city council news, the increasing number of students makes new planning necessary. In order to optimally determine the future development of the Zelgli school complex, the city council approved a loan for a feasibility study in July 2019. In April 2020, based on the current figures, two to four additional classrooms, two additional kindergartens and a triple after-school care center were planned. As early as September 2020, the latest figures showed that four new classrooms, two kindergartens and a quadruple day-care center are needed, according to the city council news.

Structural adjustments are therefore necessary, such as enlarging the teachers’ room or installing additional sanitary facilities. Due to the changed order volume, a loan is now required for strategic planning. The city council has now approved it with 80,000 francs.

According to the detailed message about the city council resolutions available on the website of the city of Schlieren, the school space requirements are calculated and planned twice a year based on the currently known data. The first order for spatial planning and open space planning with a volume of around 39,000 francs has already been placed with Metron Architektur AG in Brugg AG.

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